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Sebba, D. S., J. J. Mock, D. R. Smith, T. H. Labean, and A. A. Lazarides. “Reconfigurable core-satellite nanoassemblies as molecularly-driven plasmonic switches.” Nano Letters 8, no. 7 (July 2008): 1803–8.
Driscoll, T., S. Palit, M. M. Qazilbash, M. Brehm, F. Keilmann, B. G. Chae, S. J. Yun, et al. “Dynamic tuning of an infrared hybrid-metamaterial resonance using vanadium dioxide.” Applied Physics Letters 93, no. 2 (July 2008).
Yuan, Yu, Christopher Bingham, Talmage Tyler, Sabarni Palit, Thomas H. Hand, Willie J. Padilla, David R. Smith, Nan Marie Jokerst, and Steven A. Cummer. “Dual-band planar electric metamaterial in the terahertz regime.” Optics Express 16, no. 13 (June 2008): 9746–52.
Jiang, W. X., T. J. Cui, Q. Cheng, J. Y. Chin, X. M. Yang, R. P. Liu, and D. R. Smith. “Design of arbitrarily shaped concentrators based on conformally optical transformation of nonuniform rational B-spline surfaces.” Applied Physics Letters 92, no. 26 (June 2008).
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Rahm, M., D. Schurig, D. A. Roberts, S. A. Cummer, D. R. Smith, and J. B. Pendry. “Design of electromagnetic cloaks and concentrators using form-invariant coordinate transformations of Maxwell's equations.” Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 6, no. 1 (April 1, 2008): 87–95.
Cummer, S. A., B. I. Popa, D. Schurig, D. R. Smith, J. Pendry, M. Rahm, and A. Starr. “Scattering theory derivation of a 3D acoustic cloaking shell.” Physical Review Letters 1, no. 2 (January 2008).
Liu, Ruopeng, Qiang Cheng, Thomas Hand, Jack J. Mock, Tie Jun Cui, Steven A. Cummer, and David R. Smith. “Experimental demonstration of electromagnetic tunneling through an epsilon-near-zero metamaterial at microwave frequencies.” Physical Review Letters 100, no. 2 (January 2008): 023903.
Hand, T. H., Y. Yuan, S. Palit, C. Bingham, M. Rahm, D. R. Smith, W. J. Padilla, N. Jokerst, and S. A. Cummer. “Dual-band planar electric THz metamaterial with resonator yield analysis.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, January 1, 2008.
Liu, R., Q. Cheng, T. Hand, J. J. Mock, T. J. Cui, S. A. Cummer, and D. R. Smith. “Experimental demonstration of electromagnetic tunneling through an epsilon-near-zero metamaterial at microwave frequencies.” Physical Review Letters 1, no. 2 (January 2008).
Cummer, Steven A., Bogdan-Ioan Popa, David Schurig, David R. Smith, John Pendry, Marco Rahm, and Anthony Starr. “Scattering theory derivation of a 3D acoustic cloaking shell.” Physical Review Letters 100, no. 2 (January 2008): 024301.
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Yao, Y. H., T. J. Cui, Q. Cheng, R. P. Liu, D. Huang, and D. R. Smith. “Realization of a super waveguide for high-power-density generation and transmission using right- and left-handed transmission-line circuits.” Physical Review E 76, no. 3 (September 2007).
Driscoll, T., G. O. Andreev, D. N. Basov, S. Palit, S. Y. Cho, N. M. Jokerst, and D. R. Smith. “Tuned permeability in terahertz split-ring resonators for devices and sensors.” Applied Physics Letters 91, no. 6 (August 17, 2007).
Liu, R., A. Degiron, J. J. Mock, and D. R. Smith. “Negative index material composed of electric and magnetic resonators.” Applied Physics Letters 90, no. 26 (August 2, 2007).
Degiron, A., D. R. Smith, J. J. Mock, B. J. Justice, and J. Gollub. “Negative index and indefinite media waveguide couplers.” Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 87, no. 2 (May 1, 2007): 321–28.
Driscoll, T., D. N. Basov, W. J. Padilla, J. J. Mock, and D. R. Smith. “Electromagnetic characterization of planar metamaterials by oblique angle spectroscopic measurements.” Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75, no. 11 (March 13, 2007).
Degiron, Aloyse, Jack J. Mock, and David R. Smith. “Modulating and tuning the response of metamaterials at the unit cell level.” Optics Express 15, no. 3 (February 2007): 1115–27.
Driscoll, T., G. O. Andreev, D. N. Basov, S. Palit, Tong Ren, Jack Mock, Sang-Yeon Cho, Nan Marie Jokerst, and D. R. Smith. “Quantitative investigation of a terahertz artificial magnetic resonance using oblique angle spectroscopy.” Applied Physics Letters 90, no. 9 (2007): 092508.