The Center for Metamaterials and Integrated Plasmonics sponsored a workshop this summer at UCSD July 20th-22nd 2015. The educational event, hosted by the CMIP, celebrated fifteen years of metamaterials progress! 2015 marks fifteen years since the first negative index metamaterial was demonstrated at U.C. San Diego and, of course, Sir John Pendry’s paper on the “perfect lens.” These two publications were major milestones in the development of the metamaterials field, which has grown steadily and rapidly ever since. CMIP partnered with UCSD to organize a three day metamaterials workshop, that highlighted both the history of metamaterials as well as the most recent advances and commercialization efforts. The workshop toke place on the UCSD campus, July 20-22, 2015.
Keynote Speakers:
Nathan Kundtz
President and CEO of Kymeta
Kymeta and the mass-market commercialization of metamaterials
Plenary Speakers:
Yuri Kivshar
Australian National University
All-dielectric nanophotonics and metadevices: From Fano resonance to functional metasurfaces
Martin Wegener
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Recent progress on metamaterials in optics, thermodynamics, mechanics, and magneto-transport
Metamaterials Speakers:
Richard Averitt
University of California San Diego (UCSD)
Nan Jokerst
Duke University
2D and 3D Metamaterials: Physical Realization and Heterogeneous Integration
Maiken Mikkelsen
Duke University
Control of Radiative Processes using Colloidally Synthesized Plasmonic Nanocavities
Gennady Shvets
University of Texas at Austin
Costas Soukoulis
AMES Lab / Iowa State University
Casey Tegreene
Intellectual Ventures
Yaroslav Urzhumov
Duke University/Intellectual Ventures
Workshop Organizers and Presenters:
Dimitri Basov
University of California San Diego (UCSD)
David R. Smith
Duke University