Anthony Starr

Development of Metamaterial for Military Applications

Speaker: Anthony Starr, Sensormetrix

Abstract: The emergence of metamaterials near the start of the new Millennium initiated a rapid growth of possibilities.  Our views of electromagnetics, and later other types of wave propagation including mechanical waves, changed and grew.  As scientists rushed to understand the ramification of these concepts, the commercial world looked at the potential economic impacts, and the military wondered how metamaterials would change the landscape for the warfighter.  SensorMetrix was one the first companies to focus on transitioning metamaterials for Government and military applications.  Transitioning a new technology requires understanding the science as well as the intended applications.  This presentation provides insight into the challenges and successes of bridging metamaterial concepts to a range of possible military applications.

Biosketch: Dr. Anthony Starr received his Bachelor’s in Physics from Cornell University and his Masters/PhD from UC San Diego.  Dr. Starr has been actively involved in commercializing electromagnetic related technologies for over 20 years.  Dr. Starr is the President of SensorMetrix, which he co-founded in 2003 with Prof. David Smith.  SensorMetrix seeks to develop EM-related materials and technology for governmental and defense clients.  Dr. Starr contributed to the first experimental demonstration of an electromagnetic cloak and the first IR perfect absorber, and he has spearheaded efforts to develop structural metamaterials and applications.