One-way glass for microwaves using nonreciprocal metamaterials.


We introduce a class of nonreciprocal metamaterials based on composite assemblies of metallic and biased ferrimagnetic elements. We show that such structures act as ultrathin one-way glasses due to the competition between two modes at the surface of the ferrimagnetic elements--a low-loss surface wave that transmits the signal on the other side of the structure and a surface spin-wave resonance that produces strong isolation levels. These findings can be adapted to existing metamaterial geometries, offering a blueprint to achieve unidirectional propagation in a variety of artificial media at radio, microwave, and millimeter wave frequencies.

Chicago Citation
Degiron, A., and D. R. Smith. “One-way glass for microwaves using nonreciprocal metamaterials.” Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 89, no. 5 (May 2014): 053203.