We perform a series of simulations and experiments at microwave frequencies where we dynamically alter the magnetic resonance of one individual split ring resonator by photodoping a piece of low-doped semiconductor positioned within the gap of the resonator. We predict and experimentally achieve a complete suppression of the resonance amplitude using an 815 nm laser source and then briefly consider the problem of tuning the frequency of an SRR by the same method. We also illustrate the metamaterial approach to active electromagnetic devices by implementing a simple yet efficient optical modulator and a three channel dynamical filter.
Chicago Citation
Degiron, Aloyse, Jack J. Mock, and David R. Smith. “Modulating and tuning the response of metamaterials at the unit cell level.” Optics Express 15, no. 3 (February 2007): 1115–27. https://doi.org/10.1364/oe.15.001115.