Magnetic metamaterial superlens for increased range wireless power transfer.


The ability to wirelessly power electrical devices is becoming of greater urgency as a component of energy conservation and sustainability efforts. Due to health and safety concerns, most wireless power transfer (WPT) schemes utilize very low frequency, quasi-static, magnetic fields; power transfer occurs via magneto-inductive (MI) coupling between conducting loops serving as transmitter and receiver. At the "long range" regime - referring to distances larger than the diameter of the largest loop - WPT efficiency in free space falls off as (1/d)(6); power loss quickly approaches 100% and limits practical implementations of WPT to relatively tight distances between power source and device. A "superlens", however, can concentrate the magnetic near fields of a source. Here, we demonstrate the impact of a magnetic metamaterial (MM) superlens on long-range near-field WPT, quantitatively confirming in simulation and measurement at 13-16 MHz the conditions under which the superlens can enhance power transfer efficiency compared to the lens-less free-space system.

Chicago Citation
Lipworth, Guy, Joshua Ensworth, Kushal Seetharam, Da Huang, Jae Seung Lee, Paul Schmalenberg, Tsuyoshi Nomura, Matthew S. Reynolds, David R. Smith, and Yaroslav Urzhumov. “Magnetic metamaterial superlens for increased range wireless power transfer.” Scientific Reports 4 (January 2014): 3642.