Cross-section comparisons of cloaks designed by transformation optical and optical conformal mapping approaches


We review several approaches to optical invisibility designed using transformation optics (TO) and optical conformal mapping (CM) techniques. TO is a general framework for solving inverse scattering problems based on mimicking spatial coordinate transformations with distributions of material properties. There are two essential steps in the design of TO media: first, a coordinate transformation that achieves some desired functionality, resulting in a continuous spatial distribution of constitutive parameters that are generally anisotropic; and, second, the reduction of the derived continuous constitutive parameters to a metamaterial that serves as a stepwise approximation. We focus here on the first step, discussing the merits of various TO strategies proposed for the long-sought 'invisibility cloak'-a structure that renders opaque objects invisible. We also evaluate the cloaking capabilities of structures designed by the related CM approach, which makes use of conformal mapping to achieve index-only material distributions. The performance of the various cloaks is evaluated and compared using a universal measure-the total (all-angle) scattering cross section. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Chicago Citation
Urzhumov, Y. A., N. B. Kundtz, D. R. Smith, and J. B. Pendry. “Cross-section comparisons of cloaks designed by transformation optical and optical conformal mapping approaches.” Journal of Optics 13, no. 2 (January 1, 2011).