May 5, 2015 | Okan Yurduseven
The European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) is yearly organized by the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAPP). EuCAP provides a forum for the European and International R & D communities both at academic and industrial levels. It is considered one of the major conferences within the fields of antennas and propagation, microwave, millimeter-wave and terahertz band applications, and metamaterials. This year more than 1,000 papers were presented in oral and poster sessions, providing an excellent overview of the current state-of-the-art in these fields, and showing the latest developments and novelties for future applications.
This year, I was invited to chair a session on Imaging and Inverse Scattering, in which we had two oral presentations on metamaterial imager delivered by myself and Jonah Gollub. Among the audience there were well-known researchers working within the fields of metamaterials, radar and security imaging systems, including Prof. Alexander Yarovoy from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Prof. Hao Xin from University of Arizona, and Prof. Carey Rappaport from Northeastern University. We received good feedback on our research at Duke University.

During the conference, there were some very interesting sessions on security imaging, metamaterials, metasurfaces, and wireless power transfer applications. In security session entitled ”Wave-Based Sensing and Imaging for Security Applications”, chaired by Prof. Carey Rappaport and Dr. Jose Martinez Lorenzo from Northeastern University, there was a particularly good paper in which a compressive parabolic reflector antenna with a customized surface is used to achieve the phase diversity in the imaging scene by means of mechanically rotating the compressive antenna. During the presentation of this paper (presented by Dr. Jose Martinez Lorenzo from Northeastern University), Dr. Lorenzo was assessing the phase diversity of the compressive antenna with respect to the fields radiated by our metamaterial panels. It was also a pleasure to see that all presenters in this session were familiar with our work here at Duke with most of them cited ourresearch in their presented papers. There were also some interesting talks on using simplified aperture distribution to provide effective sampling in the k-space (from Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. in Germany) and wave-based sensing and imaging applications relying on an active mm-wave reflect array system for security screening (Smiths Detection Inc. in USA).
In metamaterials and metasurfaces sessions, papers presented on using scalar metasurfaces for beam-steering applications (from University of Rennes 1, France) and a polarization reconfigurable metamaterial lens antenna (from University of Michigan) attracted our attention. In terms of wireless power transfer research, a collaborative paper on the use of a patch array antenna to wirelessly charge a drone prototype (from IT-DETI-Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal and University of Bologna, Italy) at 5.8 GHz, similar to our research here at Duke, was interesting.
There were several industrial companies present at the conference, including NSI, CST, Microwave Vision Group (MVG), Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent Technologies), FEKO, Bluetest, Rohde & Schwartz and European Space Agency (ESA). I and Jonah had fruitful discussions with many of these companies, particularly with NSI, Microwave Vision Group and CST, on our research and facilities here at Duke University.

This year’s EuCAP had a special meaning for me as my brother, Ozan Yurduseven, who is working on his PhD on THz band leaky-wave lens antennas for space imaging applications at Delft University of Technology also attended the conference. We had fruitful discussions with Ozan’s research group at TU Delft and his colleagues from the University of Rennes - France, University of Vigo – Spain, University Institute of Lisbon (Instituto de Telecomunicações) - Portugal.
Next year EuCAP will take place in Davos, Switzerland. I look forward to attending EuCAP 2016 and seeing all the members of the community again.