Cloaking Paper Selected as 'Journal of Optics' Top 25

February 29, 2012

The Journal of Optics handpicks articles each year including review articles, special issue articles and regular papers. Each article has received an excellent response from the Optics community, deemed highly commended by the journal board and has been highly downloaded throughout 2011.

This year "Cross-section comparisons of cloaks designed by transformation optical and optical conformal mapping approaches" authored by: Yaroslav A Urzhumov, Nathan B Kundtz, David R Smith and John B Pendry was selected a part of the top 25. In addition, ECE Faculty member and CMIP affiliate Steven Cummer's paper "A completely covariant approach to transformation optics" was also on the top 25 list.

Relevant Research from the Center for Metamaterials represented 8% of the top 25 list in 2011.

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