Publication among Top Downloads from Optics Letters, May 2013

June 6, 2013


In the May 2013 e-newsletter from Optics Express, Center publication "Thin low-loss dilectric coatings for free-space cloaking" is listed as the top downloads of May 2013.

About the Journal

Optics Letters (OL) provides rapid dissemination of new results in all areas of optics and photonics with short, original, peer-reviewed communications. The articles often describe research-in-progress, thus reflecting the leading edge in the "science of light." With an ISI Impact Factor of 3.399, OL is among the top-ranked

Publication Abstract

We report stereolithographic polymer-based fabrication and experimental operation of a microwave X-band cloaking device. The device is a relatively thin (about one wavelength thick) shell of an air-dielectric composite, in which the dielectric component has negligible loss and dispersion. In a finite band (9.7–10.1 GHz), the shell eliminates the shadow and strongly suppresses scattering from a conducting cylinder of six-wavelength diameter for TE-polarized free-space plane waves. The device does not require an immersion liquid or conducting ground planes for its operation. The dielectric constant of the polymer is low enough (ϵ=2.45) to suggest that this cloaking technique would be suitable for higher frequency radiation, including visible light.

© 2013 Optical Society of America