Dr. Yaroslav Urzhumov is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, specializing in theory and design of metamaterials and nanoplasmonic systems. Dr. Urzhumov received his PhD in Physics from the University of Texas at Austin, and subsequently spent two years as a technical associate at COMSOL. Dr. Urzhumov specializes in developing analysis, design and optimization techniques for problems involving multiple physical processes, including hybrid electromagnetic, acoustic and hydrodynamic metamaterials. A Senior Member of SPIE and author of more than 60 refereed and conference papers.
Lipworth, G; Ensworth, J; Seetharam, K; Huang, D; Lee, JS; Schmalenberg, P; Nomura, T; Reynolds, MS; Smith, DR; Urzhumov, Y, Magnetic metamaterial superlens for increased range wireless power transfer., Scientific Reports, 4 (2014).
Ciraci, C; Urzhumov, Y; Smith, DR, Far-field analysis of axially symmetric three-dimensional directional cloaks, Optics Express, vol 21 no. 8 (2013), pp. 9397-9406.
Shin, D; Urzhumov, Y; Jung, Y; Kim, K; Smith, DR, Adjustable metamaterial cloaking using an elastic crystal, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC (2013), pp. 331-332.
Driscoll, T; Urzhumov, Y; Landy, N; Basov, D; Smith, DR, Dielectric metamaterials and composites in the age of 3D printing, and directional cloaking, 2013 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2013 (2013), pp. 361-363.
Urzhumov, Y; Landy, N; Driscoll, T; Basov, D; Smith, DR, Thin low-loss dielectric coatings for free-space cloaking, Optics Letters, vol 38 no. 10 (2013), pp. 1606-1608.